Serving plate, Berries

640 Lekë 440 Lekë

Bells deep serving dish

640 Lekë 340 Lekë

Bells deep serving dish

740 Lekë 440 Lekë

Hanging decorative balls

1,420 Lekë 1,090 Lekë

Set of shapes for cookies

690 Lekë 440 Lekë

Gift wrapping paper

440 Lekë 269 Lekë

Decorative ribbon

300 Lekë 229 Lekë

Microled lighting

1,390 Lekë 890 Lekë

Microled lighting

1,390 Lekë 890 Lekë

Decorative ribbon, red

820 Lekë 490 Lekë

Set of decorative balls

2,000 Lekë 1,490 Lekë

Set of decorative balls

1,240 Lekë 740 Lekë

Decorative set

1,290 Lekë 840 Lekë

Decorative balls

299 Lekë 179 Lekë

Set of decorative balls

620 Lekë 390 Lekë