LOL sketchbook + stickers

990 Lekë 740 Lekë

Car drawing board

890 Lekë 690 Lekë

DINO Drawing Table

890 Lekë 690 Lekë

Princess Drawing Tableau

790 Lekë 590 Lekë

Designer sketchbook

790 Lekë 440 Lekë

PRINCESS tattoo pen

740 Lekë 440 Lekë

Toy brush set

1,290 Lekë 940 Lekë

Princess Friends Jewelry Set

490 Lekë 390 Lekë

Toy binoculars

750 Lekë 590 Lekë

Pistol with 6 arrows

1,490 Lekë 1,290 Lekë

Metal toy with rope

579 Lekë 279 Lekë

Air rocket toy

1,290 Lekë 1,090 Lekë

Moving dog cage

1,290 Lekë 940 Lekë

FROZEN diary

1,690 Lekë 1,090 Lekë

Animal shaped toys

890 Lekë 690 Lekë

Drawing pencil + PEPPA PIG pencil

1,290 Lekë 1,090 Lekë

Diary + magic pencil HELLO KITTY

1,000 Lekë 840 Lekë


1,290 Lekë 1,090 Lekë


1,690 Lekë 1,390 Lekë

METAL Construction Machine

1,040 Lekë 740 Lekë

Set of plastic cars 8 cp

890 Lekë 690 Lekë

Toy car

920 Lekë 790 Lekë