Salad serving set

590 Lekë 390 Lekë

Plate holder

440 Lekë

Melamine bowl

450 Lekë 340 Lekë

Organization box

690 Lekë 340 Lekë

Stainless steel pastry spoon

650 Lekë 440 Lekë

Stainless steel spatula

790 Lekë 340 Lekë

Knife with guard

440 Lekë

Glass jar with lid

790 Lekë 490 Lekë

Organizer with mirror

340 Lekë

Glass jar

590 Lekë 299 Lekë

Shoulder bowl with handle

550 Lekë 279 Lekë

Dessert plate

359 Lekë 279 Lekë

Cutting knife

690 Lekë 440 Lekë

Glass jar with lid

279 Lekë

Glass jar

279 Lekë