NINO office chair With a modern design and advanced functionality, this chair is designed to provide a comfortable and creative experience. Characteristics *Adjustable height *Width: 42 cm *Depth: 45 cm...
ALINA office chair The ALINA chair is the perfect office chair for those looking for style and comfort. The chair is designed to stay in place and help you stay...
Karrige zyre ADEA, Black Karrigia ADEA përmban një dizajn ergonomik duke ofruar mbështetje të mesit për të ndihmuar në lehtësimin e tendosjes dhe promovimin e qëndrimit të shëndetshëm gjatë orëve...
ENZO Office Chair Characteristics: *Ergonomic design: The chair is built for long-term sitting comfort. The premium ecological leather is well stitched. *Headrest and middle support *Wide and thick seat cushion...